Silent Love Advaita Retreat in India

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A retreat offers a spiritual rest or withdrawal from the usual surroundings.
In no other country this is possible as intensely as in India, the country where every day life is deeply embedded in the spiritual fabric and where spirituality is present everywhere. It is also a journey to the spiritual roots of advaita vedanta. The special quality of this gathering, the meeting of East and West induces intense inner experience and reveals the essence of stillness. This meeting with the teacher is an encounter with love and death, tenderness and fire, humaneness and divinity, life and death. OM invites you to return to total simplicity and explore who you really are. Darshan will be held in German and English with translation into the respective language as required.


For more information and registration (in German) please visit the Website of the Enneallionce - School for Inner Work.
Your registration is valid on arrival of the registration form completely filled in and signed and a deposit of € 250,-. The registrations will be considered in chronological order of their arrival. The retreat is residential and participation is possible only with board and lodging.

 impression Retreat India  impression Retreat India  impression Retreat India  

Please contact Martina at +49-38424-229737 or
for more information in English.

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